CMC Rocks QLD 2024An Extra Medium project in collaboration with Bolstercmcrocks.comCMC Rocks, the premier country music festival in Australia, is a celebration that unites fans with the heart and soul of country music. Born from a passion for the genre, CMC Rocks had its humble beginnings in the early 2000s through a vision realised by the pioneering spirits of Rob Potts and Michael Chugg.
ChallengeCMC Rocks aimed to amplify its digital presence to match the energy of Australia's premier country and roots music festival. The objective was a website that not only resonates with the festival's dynamic atmosphere but also offers a user-friendly, engaging experience that complied with Accessibility standards.ApproachThe CMC Rocks website presented a complex challenge: it needed to encapsulate the festival's vibrant energy while managing a diverse range of information. Our goal was to streamline this rich content, ensuring that the site's design echoed the live event's atmosphere and connected seamlessly with its social media presence.

We aimed to create a unified experience across all digital touchpoints, from the website to social media, to the festival itself. Our focus was on user accessibility and ease of navigation, addressing the fundamental challenge of consolidating content, minimizing redundancy, and crafting a functional, yet aesthetically cohesive online portal.

Design SystemWe infused the website with a design system that mirrored the festival's dynamic spirit. This included a complimentary colour scheme and a modular layout, which provided flexibility and brand consistency. The design also featured custom iconography and interactive elements, like artist lineup tiles and ticket info components which kept the user visually engaged and easy to digest all the info.Experience DesignWith CMC appealing to such a unique audience, we knew that the experience would need to be easily accessible while staying true to the strong brand. We explored new features that provided a rich, utility-driven experience with no dead-ends for customers. This meant replacing the pre-existing IA with one that resulted in finding punters answers for their specific event, quickly and easily. We also integrated immersive video content to convey the festival's atmosphere, ensuring that users felt connected to the event even before stepping onto the festival grounds.CMC Rocks QLD